Videos and Pictures from past Unity Through Relationship Conferences …
2024 – Resetting The Foundation Stones of Relational Practice

2023 – Reframing the Trauma Lens
Keynote: The Mental Health Industrial Complex | Dr Sami Timimi
“It’s Just an Image, right?”: Trauma and Online Child Sexual Abuse Images | Jennifer Martin and Grant Charles (Canada)
Have we Inadvertently Crossed a Line? Has our Focus on Trauma’s Impact and Trauma Language Created a ‘Victimhood’ Mentality? | Frank Delano and Noor Almaoui (USA)
Accidental Damage: An Exploration of Educational Trauma in Students with SENDs, at the of hands people who were just trying to help / Download accompanying PDF file | Caitlin Dow
Together we RISE: Building Pathways of Resilience, Hope, and Wellbeing | Jennifer Null (USA)
Trauma informed or therapeutic care? Just words or a different focus? | Jennifer Brooker (Australia)
Is Pre-Service CYC Education Trauma Informed? | Kelly Shaw and Shelly Currie (Canada)
“The Best Years of our Lives”: Reflections on the Roots and Essence of Child and Youth Care | Mark Smith (Scotland) and Martin Stabrey (RSA)
Hope as a Catalyst and the Youth Voice and Perspectives Profile (YVAPP) to Identify Strengths and Needs in Youth
Paul Baker (USA)
The Turn to Trauma and its Implications for Understanding and Responding to Distress and Suffering | Sebastian Monteux (Scotland)
CYC Supervisory Support for Practitioners Dealing with Young Peoples’ Trauma | Jack Phelan (Canada)
Trauma Informed or Trauma Misinformed: Supervision Through a (Truly) Trauma Lens | Kerri Hayley, Lesley Goodyear, Michelle Perchard (Canada)
Weaving indigenous knowledge and collective trauma within the Three Pillars of Transforming Care to develop a culturally responsive approach to trauma | Hunia Te Urukaiata Mackay and Shane Murdoch (NZ)
Meeting Them Where They Are At: A CYC Approach to Working with Young People who have Experienced Trauma | Jessica Hadley and Christine Gaitens (Canada)
Trauma Breeds More Trauma: The Impact of Organizational Trauma on the Ability to Adopt and Implement a Relational CYC Approach in Alternative Care Organisations | Werner van der Westhuizen (RSA) and Coenraad de Beer (Austria)
Mitigating Stress and the Impact of Working with Trauma using Art Journaling | Michelle Briegel (Canada)
The Stone in Your Shoe: Living and Working with Vicarious Trauma in Relational Child and Youth Care Work | Paul Gaffney, Sanna Cramnell and Eimear Ryan (Ire)